In the MoNA world, there are a few reasons why you would want to create a library for your uploaded spectra.
1) Creating a library for your spectra will allow yourself and other users to access the library in the Downloads section and easily download the entire library at one time.
2) Creating a library will automatically tag all uploaded spectra with the Library name. This allows for easier searching when using MoNA advanced metadata querying system and search capabilities.
3) And most importantly, proper recognition! Establishing a library ensures that every spectrum in the library is properly marked with a Library Name, Description, URL Link, and submitter information.
The Library ID Prefix is a unique name that is utilized in creating a unique identifier for each spectrum in your uploaded spectra library. Let's look at the following example. I want to upload the LipidBlast library to MoNA, so I will use 'LipidBlast' as the Library ID Prefix. This will now be our prefix to create unique IDs' for every spectrum such as LipidBlast0000001, LipidBlast0000002, and so forth. This allows users to easily search for their spectra library in the future.
Library Name: Required FieldThe Library Name is simply the name or title of the library you are trying to upload. Following the above example, we want to upload the Lipid Blast library. LipidBlast already works as a proper library name so we can fill the Library Name field with LipidBlast. The Library Name LipidBlast will now be displayed on each panel in the spectra browser and will be given a tag with the LipidBlast name for easy metadata searching and querying. Additionally, when you look in the Downloads section you will see the library with the LipidBlast name.
Description: Required FieldThe Description is a descriptive note that describes the library being uploaded. For example, the LipidBlast library encompasses the following description, "LipidBlast In-Silico MS/MS Database for Lipid Identification". This Description will be displayed on a spectrum panel in the Spectra Browser and will be formatted as such "Originally submitted to the..." followed by the provided Description.
Link: Optional FieldLastly, some spectra libraries are hosted outside of MoNA on external websites. The Link field allows you to attach a URL that will direct users to the site where the spectra library originates from or a site that will provide additional information regarding the library. In the case of LipidBlast, is attached to the spectra library. The provided Link is hyperlinked to the Description on the Spectra Browser page. This is an optional field, so if there is no information to provide, will be provided by default.
In order to submit spectra on MoNA, a user must have a registered account and be logged in. When signed in, this allows MoNA to automatically use your account information and attach it to the spectra library that you are wanting to submit. But in some cases, users may want to upload spectra libraries on someone else's behalf. To assist with this, there is a completely optional section under Submitter that allows you to fill in details of the spectra libraries original owner. However, if you are the owner of the spectra library or would like to be credited with uploading the library, simply insure you are logged in and leave the Submitter section BLANK and MoNA will handle the rest!
In some cases, you may want to add additional identifiers to your library spectra. This can typically be done on the editor page, but in cases where the library you're updating is too large, the Additional Tags section allows you add tags beforehand. Simply type in the tag you want and hit the ENTER key. You're allowed up to 3 additional tags.