Database Index & Statistics

The pie chart below shows the distribution of metadata values for the selected metadata type. Clicking on the elements in the legend will show/hide chart sections, and clicking on a section in the pie chart will execute a query for the selected value.

MS Level

This sunburst chart displays the breakdown of compound classifications, which were obtained using ClassyFire by Wishart Lab. ClassyFire is a freely accessible computational tool that uses the ChemOnt taxonomy to classify chemical entities based on their structure. ClassyFire combines structure search, IUPAC name parsing, and evaluation of logical expressions to retrieve structural features, which are then mapped to the corresponding ChemOnt classes.

Clicking on a partition will zoom into it and display a finer-grained view of its child partitions. Clicking on the center circle will zoom out to the parent partition.

Please click on the sunburst to refine your queries
